Capital City Lumber
September 12th, 2008During the course of my book, I tried valiantly to get a picture of the Capital City Lumber Company, which used to exist on Indianola where Marzetti’s now stands. Does anyone out there have one?
During the course of my book, I tried valiantly to get a picture of the Capital City Lumber Company, which used to exist on Indianola where Marzetti’s now stands. Does anyone out there have one?
Clintonville residents have always actively gardened. Two views of Boulevard Gardens on Olentangy River Road (or at least I assume this photograph of the Garden Centre on Olentangy Road in 1963 is Boulevard Gardens (Left photo courtesy of the Franklin County Engineers; right photo courtesy of the Koch family)
Boulevard Gardens closed down, during the winter of 2008/09. Click on the image to the right for the history of the business from the Columbus Dispatch.
He was the second bishop of Columbus, occupying the episcopacy from 1880-1899. He was born in 1844 in Blairsville, PA and was ordained in 1868. He was president of Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Maryland when he was selected to become Bishop of Columbus. His special interest was development of parochial schools. (Photo courtesy of Bishop Watterson High School)
Riverside Methodist Hospital is today a fixture in Clintonville residents’ lives. Prior to 1961, however, it was known as the White Cross Hospital and was located near Goodale Park in Victorian Village. And before that, it was known as Protestant Hospital. Riverside’s first patients were transferred from White Cross Hospital on April 10, 1961. An addition was added in 1970 and an additional expansion began in December, 1990. (Photo courtesy of Melissa Goodrich)
North High School was a top ranked high school; alumni are rightfully proud of their alma mater. Here is a string ensemble from 1957-58: Tom Lange, first violin; Carol Lowry, second violin; Dorothy Neban, viola; and Mary Anne Brown, cello. (Photo courtesy of Leeann Faust)
In 1962, Walt Stein leased the Sohio filling station at the Northeast corner of Dunedin and North High Street and named his business Clintonville Sohio (shown here). In 1968 the name was changed to Clintonville Servicenter. The business grew, and in 1970 Stein moved the business to 585 Oakland Park Avenue and changed the name to Clintonville Automotive Repair Service (CARS). In 1982 the adjacent ARCO gas station at 3378 Indianola Ave. was purchased as an annex. (Photo courtesy of Ron Stein)
In 1969, the Clintonville Branch Library moved to 2800 North High Street (from 14 West Lakeview), into quarters built by the Schottenstein Company. This photo shows Virginia Wiltshire, Marge Dersh, and Bob Armour on moving-in day. The library occupied the northwest end of the shopping center, which also had a Kroger and SupeRx drug store. In 1985, the Clintonville and Beechwold branches were merged to become the Whetstone branch library at 3909 North High. (Photo courtesy of the Clintonville Historical Society)
An October 15-2010 note from Joe Motil:
There was a large 3 story barn located behind the property across from Immaculate Conception Church. Attached to this barn was also a residence. The name of the family that lived in this residence was “Butts”. This would have been around 1966. I have a photo from my families back yard at 360 Clinton Hts. of the top of the barn. The barn burnt down sometime in the early 80′s or late 70′s I believe. There was also a small barn behind the brick house on the south side and about 3 or 4 house east of Calumet. Sorry I don’t have the address at hand. It was tore down maybe in the late 70′s and a new garage is currently there.
There’s an update to this information here.
A great picture of the Golden Bull Restaurant (originally called Beechwold Tavern or Beechwold BBQ) shortly before the Lindquists converted the building, in 1969. It was located at 4784 North High Street
(Photo courtesy of Donna and Nils Lindquist.)
For a companion picture of the building when the Lindquists were moving out, see this post.
In 1989/90, Lindy Productions moved out of the building at 4784 North High Street and The Reserve prepared to move into the building. Nils Lindquist (owner of Lindy Productions) took this photo at the time. (Photo courtesy of Donna and Nils Lindquist.)
For a companion picture of the building when Lindy’s moved in, see this post.