Many of the following events are sponsored by the Clintonville Historical Society (CHS). Their web page can be found at
Tuesday, January 21, 7:00pm–Presentation on George Moore & Son’s Homebuilders, by Jeffrey Carter. George Moore & Sons built hundreds of brick ranches in Columbus as well as Engine House 19 and the first hangar at the Columbus Airport. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; Clintonville Woman’s Club, 3951 N. High St. Enter via back parking lot door.
Sat February 15, 6:30pm–Valentine’s Dinner & Clintonville Trivia at the Ostrich Club, 3408 Indianola Ave. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society. Reservations required.
Sat March 1, 1:00-5:00pm–Local History Day. Three programs will be presented in conjunction with the library staff. Whetstone Library, 3909 N. High St. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.
April TBD–Tour of Deaf & Blind Schools, for National Deaf History Month, location This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.
Mon May 26, 2:00pm— Memorial Day Observance on Memory Lane. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.
June 15, 1:00pm –Join us for a walking tour of Scenic Drive north of Henderson. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome. Meet at the Court on Scenic Drive.
Fri July 4, 9:00am – 1pm— Join CHS in celebrating a Clintonville 4th of July Whetstone Park. All welcome.
Wed September 10, 6:30pm— Membership Appreciation Event and CHS Annual Meeting. Election of CHS officers for 2026/2027 (2-year terms), location TBD. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.
October 10, 7:00pm–Presentation on the History of Clintonville Churches, at North Broadway Methodist Church, 48 E. North Broadway. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.
Tues November 11, dawn to dusk— Veteran’s Day Flags on Memory Lane W. North Broadway. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.
Wed December 24, 4pm— Luminary Display on Memory Lane, W. North Broadway. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.