Until today, I’ve arranged material on this web site roughly in chronological order; information about earlier events at the top, and more recent history has been put at the end of this web site. For your ease in locating newly posted material, I’ve listed fresh content and any changed entries in the “Recent Postings” category. Arranging the listings this was is quite a bit of labor, though, so as of this month, I’m throwing in the towel. From now on, new postings will be put on the front page, willynilly, regardless of their era.
This month I’m adding quite a lot of material! Some new maps and information about the sewer pipe factory on Arcadia, great new photos of the Armbruster family and residence, a new old picture of Weisheimer Miller and Olentangy Park, and some new information about the Columbus Clippers.
Note: the New Posts link often contains more than one screenful of entries–so be sure to click “older entries” at the bottom of that page to see more new posts! And please be aware that because I interlace new postings in their historical order–because I fudge the dates on entries–RSS feeds don’t work with this site. (They will only pick up entries with a current date.)
Changed posts–If and when I revise or add to a posting, you can find it here.
Events Page–Consider coming to a presentation, buying a copy of Clintonville & Beechwold, and getting it signed by the author! I also include events of the Clintonville Historical Society