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Archive for September, 2008

Merrick Funeral Home

Friday, September 26th, 2008

Merrick Funeral Home was located at 3099 North High Street, approximately across the street from Clinton Chapel a.k.a. the Armbruster home. I believe you can see this fine building in other images of that section of North High Street on this web site.


Friday, September 26th, 2008

I don’t know who these Immaculate Conception people are (email me if you recognize anyone here). But it is a wonderful and classic picture of kitchen workers of some function held by the church, don’t you agree? (Photo courtesy of Immaculate Conception)

An IC fashion show. (Photograph courtesy of Immaculate Conception)

Glen Echo Bridge

Friday, September 26th, 2008

Three lovely views of Glen Echo bridge near North High School, were taken in the later 1920s or early 1930s. [From North High Memory books.]

Glenmont Elementary School

Friday, September 26th, 2008

In the spring of 1929, the first portable building at Glenmont was erected and about 6 weeks of school were held in the new building before the summer vacation. Celia Vanderiff was the principal and the first grade teacher was Elsie Elliott. Frances Jones taught the 2nd grade. In February 1930, the third grade was added but no new teacher employed. During the summer of 1930, the second double portable was added. The third double portable was built during the first semester of 1930-31.

Buy ‘em by the Sack

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

The Clintonville White Castle, 1941. Note the tracks in the middle of North High Street, and also the buildings to the north and northwest of the 5-cent hamburger joint! Sadly, the Clintonville White Castle closed on Christmas Eve this past December 2010.

Here is one of the many newspaper articles announcing the closure.

On Top of the World…or at least Arcadia (Street)

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

I previously stated that I was unsure where this photos was taken. A reader named James wrote in that it’s “the view from atop the school, facing South East. You can see the edge of the football field along the fence line in the middle left of the pic. The white house in the middle right is still there, at the corner of Adams and Arcadia. That large apt building on the other corner is still there, too.” Thanks, James! The photo was in one of the North High School Memory Books (their yearbook). [From a North High School Memory Book]

Flora Ohaver

Saturday, September 20th, 2008

Flora Ohaver was one of the oldest residents of West North Broadway, and so she was selected to be one of 4 people to cut the ribbon dedicating the new Broadway bridge on December 1, 1939. She and her husband built their house at 263 West North Broadway in 1908. Her nephew Bob returned to live at this address on West North Broadway as well; his oral history is located on this web site. Bob passed away in June 2009.

Robert Ohaver (1937-2009)

Saturday, September 20th, 2008

Robert Ohaver (b. 1920) lived most of his life in Clintonville and on West North Broadway. He had many stories of old Clintonville to share with us. On September 12, 2003, several community members (Ann and Alan Woods, Barbara Hotchkiss, Nancy Kuhel) interviewed him and preserved the conversation on tape. Now you, too, can listen to Mr. Ohaver’s oral history.

Sadly, Bob Ohaver passed away on June 11, 2009. You can find his obituary here. There is another small entry about his aunt on this web site here.

Bob mother was Laura Ohaver and his father was Walter Harvey Ohaver. Bob also had an older brother named Jack Ohaver who lived in Clintonville at 116 E. Dunedin with his wife Clara Ohaver. Clara passed away May 24, 1993, and Jack passed away on June 14, 2000. Jack and Clara had two daughters. Sue Bowman was born May 8, 1940; she passed away January 4, 2000. Sandra Urban born July 30, 1945. [This family information came to me from Jack’s granddaughter and Sandy’s daughter, Lisa Adkins. Thanks, Lisa!]

Each file is about 30 minutes long.


Track 1.
Brief Ohaver biography; origins of his family moving to West North Broadway; his World War II years; Clinton Theatre; businesses and homes at the interesection of North Broadway and North High Streets; drugstores and candy stores in Clintonville; the house behind 3391 North High Street; Dispatch carrier’s substation; Olentangy Park; the streetcar storage barn at Arcadia.

Track 2.
Olentangy Park cont’d; street fair at North Broadway and High to celebrate Clinton Theatre, the opening of Clinton School pedestrain subway, and the paving of North High Street after a new sewer line had been installed; the Olentangy River; 3 canoe clubs; development of West North Broadway (“the Broadway Extension”) and the Scott farm; development of the area along the adjoining river bank; the Herron [spelling uncertain]/Zinn home at 285 West Kenworth; Bill Moose AKA “Indian Bill”; Chief Leatherlips.
Note: the “Dr. John Scott” is William H. Scott, president of OSU 1883-1895. See my book, page 17, for a photo of his house.

Track 3.
Chief Leatherlips cont’d; house at 273 Erie Road and excavation of nearby gravel pit; the Fuller farm/Whetstone Park; rambling through the woods; Indian Springs golf course; Bill Moose AKA “Indian Bill”; Olentangy Park; North Columbus including the Ramlow Building; Picadilly Theatre; streetcars and interurbans.

Track 4.
Southwick funeral home; Joy Hunt home; Graceland Shopper’s Mart and Patrick Murnan; Clinton Theatre; the Great Depression; Ohaver family; Brighton Road development; Ohaver’s WWII and postwar years.

Track 5.
Ohaver’s return to Columbus from California in 1962; bombing of the Clinton Theatre in the 1930s.

Hudson & High 1930

Saturday, September 20th, 2008

Some lovely pictures of the northwest corner of Hudson and North High, in 1930. This corner looks about the same today! (Photos courtesy of Frank Jones.)

McDowell’s Garage

Friday, September 19th, 2008

McDowell’s Garage at 2650 North High Street. (Photocopy courtesy of Frank Jones.)