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Many of the following events are sponsored by the Clintonville Historical Society (CHS). Their web page can be found at https://www.clintonvillehistoricalsociety.org/

Tuesday, December 24, 4:00pm–Luminary Display on Memory Lane (West North Broadway). This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome. Please note: volunteers are always needed to light the luminaries.

Sat February 15, 6:30 pm— Valentine’s Dinner & Clintonville Trivia at the Ostrich Club, 3408 Indianola Ave. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society. Reservations required.

Sat March 1, 1:00-5:00 pm–Three programs will be presented in conjunction with the library staff. Whetstone Library,  3909 N. High St.  This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.

April TBD–National Deaf History Month, location TBD.

Mon May 26, 2:00 pm— Memorial Day Observance Memory Lane. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.

June  TBD–Join us for a walking tour of Scenic Drive north of Henderson. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.

Fri July 4, 9:00 am – 1 pm— Join CHS in celebrating a Clintonville  4th of July Whetstone Park . All welcome.

Wed September 10,  6:30 pm— CHS Annual Meeting. Election of CHS officers for 2026/2027 (2-year terms), location TBD. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.

October TBD— The History 100 year old Clintonville Churches,  location TBD.  This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.

Tues November 11— Veteran’s Day Flags on Memory Lane W. North Broadway All Day. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.

Wed December 24, 4pm— Luminary Display on Memory Lane W. North Broadway. This is an event of the Clintonville Historical Society; all welcome.