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Archive for 2018

Clinton Elementary School Deed

Thursday, March 15th, 2018

Clintonville Area Com- missioner Judy Minister furnished us with a copy of the deed for Clinton Elementary School. It’s attached as a PDF.

Calumet Street Viaduct

Thursday, February 15th, 2018

A nice image of the Calumet Street Viaduct i.e. the Glen Echo / Calumet Street bridge. Elford Company built the bridge around 1924. The photo was taken from the area where the scoreboard on football field of the high school (formerly North High) is located. You can see some houses in the background, which are along Olentangy Street east of Calumet. [Thanks to John Krygier for sending this along to us.]

And here is the view of those houses today, using September 2016 Google Streetview.

Presbyterian Synod

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

From 1956 until 1975, the United Presbyterian Synod owned the building at 3040 North High Street, at the corner of Weber and North High Street. The building later served as the Capital Care Center, an adult health services clinic that provided, among many other health services, abortions, and as a consequence the building became known for the demonstrations held weekly at that corner for almost 20 years. The building has since been torn down, but this is a picture of the empty lot in 2007.

And here is a Google Earth image of the old building’s rooftop in 2004.