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Whetstone Library

The Whetstone branch of the Columbus Public Library was originally planned to be between the Recreation Center and the Clintonville Women’s Club. The library would rent the land from the park for $1.00 a year. The plans to build the library were controversial at the time. I did not find records describing why they changed the location, and don’t know what the library pays today. The new library at 3909 North High Street was dedicated in 1985.

One Response to “Whetstone Library”

  1. Bill Pegues Says:


    I grew up in the neighborhood. As I recall from my high school days in the early ’80s, when the site between the CWC and the Rec Center was proposed, the aficionados of the horseshoe pits objected so strenuously, and with sufficient support, that the library site was moved to the parking lot of the Rec Center, displacing the parking lot and outdoor basketball courts, and forcing the playground to be moved further away form the buildings as well.

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