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Lustron Houses

Between 1948 and 1950, the Columbus-based Lustron Company made 2,500 all-steel, prefabricated houses and shipped them nationwide. Unlike the more traditional architecture of Sears homes, Lustron houses offered a sleek, modern aesthetic. They were easy to maintain, and affordable. Despite a backlog of orders, the company went bankrupt in 1950. There are 4 porcelain-steel Lustron homes in Clintonville; this one is located at 272 East Weisheimer. (Photo courtesy of Lynn McNish)

5 Responses to “Lustron Houses”

  1. Maureen McCabe Says:

    This is the only Lustron house I knew of in Clintonville. Where are the others?

  2. sh Says:

    There are Lustron homes at 27 Kanawha, 214 Arden, and 185 Arden–this last one has been changed so that it is hardly recognizable as a Lustron home.

  3. Richard W. Allen Says:

    http://www.lustronregistry.org contains is building a listing of all known Lustrons. The Clintonville, OH Lustrons are included in the list. However, they were listed under Columbus. Based on this web article, I have added the Clintonville locale to the listing. Thanks for the information! -Rick Allen

  4. James Moore Says:

    the lustron link richard posted is now gone. If you want a list of houses. Check out the Columbus Library a book called the Lustron home by Thomas Fetters there is a list in the back of the book. I have driven past some of these homes and taken pictures check out the facebook link. I even got some franklin co auditors pictures of some house already torn down. The one listed for 1818 E Long was taken and shows just the frame standing as they carefully disassembled it. I respect peoples privacy and did not trespass, only once was I asked what I was doing and was invited on the property. The new owner talked at length about his home and was happy to learn anything else I could share. So if you do get the list and go looking be respectful.

  5. Robbie Says:

    I knew the owner of the Lustron Home on Arden Ave and it was a very nice home inside. Looked exactly the way it did in the 1950s. Very much like a cookie cutter type of home. Meaning most Lustron were pretty much alike

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